86 Clean Chimp Jokes to Make You Smile

by Diana Ward

Laughter is a universal language that bridges gaps, lifts spirits, and fosters connections. A good joke has the ability to transform an ordinary day into a memorable one, and what better way to spread joy than with some lighthearted humor about chimpanzees? Chimps, our closest animal relatives, are known for their playful antics, intelligence, and unique personalities, making them the perfect subject for some funny and clean jokes.

This article is dedicated to bringing you a collection of 86 clean chimp jokes, guaranteed to entertain all ages. Whether you’re looking to share a joke with your friends, brighten someone’s day, or simply enjoy some laughter, these jokes will do the trick. These are all family-friendly, so feel free to share them with everyone around you, from toddlers to grandparents.

With each joke, you’ll find yourself laughing at the antics of these mischievous, lovable creatures. So sit back, relax, and enjoy these jokes that celebrate the fun and humor of chimpanzees.

86 Clean Chimp Jokes

1. Why don’t chimpanzees ever play poker in the jungle?

Because there are too many cheetahs!

2. What did the chimpanzee say when he saw a banana peel?

“Slippery when ripe!”

3. Why did the chimpanzee bring a ladder to the bar?

To reach the high bananas!

4. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite fruit?

Bananas – they’re a-peel-ing!

5. Why do chimpanzees never get lost?

Because they always know the way to the jungle gym!

6. What do you call a chimpanzee who loves to play baseball?

A bat swinger!

7. How do chimpanzees stay in shape?

They monkey around!

8. Why did the chimpanzee go to therapy?

He had a lot of emotional baggage!

9. How do you make a chimpanzee happy?

Give him a bunch of bananas and a swing!

10. What do chimpanzees use to keep their hair in place?

A banana comb!

11. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite holiday?

Monkey Business Monday!

12. Why did the chimpanzee get a job at the zoo?

Because he was good at hanging around!

13. How do chimpanzees prefer to communicate?

Through ape-mail!

14. What did the chimpanzee say when he finished his workout?

“I’m bananas for fitness!”

15. Why did the chimpanzee get in trouble at school?

He was always monkeying around!

16. What did one chimpanzee say to the other at the zoo?

“Let’s hang out this weekend!”

17. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite type of music?


18. Why do chimpanzees always look so happy?

Because they know how to enjoy the little things in life, like bananas!

19. What do you call a smart chimpanzee?

A primate genius!

20. Why did the chimpanzee start a blog?

He wanted to share his monkey thoughts!

21. How do chimpanzees stay so cool?

They chill in the shade and swing by the tree!

22. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite candy?

Banana-flavored lollipops!

23. Why did the chimpanzee go to space?

To find new bananas on another planet!

24. What do chimpanzees wear when they go to the beach?

Banana hammocks!

25. How do chimpanzees stay connected?

They use “ape” talk!

26. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite movie?

King Kong, of course!

27. Why did the chimpanzee bring a suitcase to the zoo?

Because he was going on a jungle vacation!

28. What do you call a chimpanzee who loves to read?

A bookworm with a tail!

29. Why did the chimpanzee become a detective?

He was great at cracking cases!

30. What do you call a chimpanzee who can play piano?

A musical primate!

31. How does a chimpanzee like his tea?

With a little monkeying around!

32. Why don’t chimpanzees ever argue?

Because they always make peace with a hug!

33. How did the chimpanzee get the banana?

He just peeled it off the tree!

34. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite type of dance?

The monkey mambo!

35. Why did the chimpanzee go to the comedy show?

To see some “ape-tastic” jokes!

36. How do chimpanzees start their day?

With a nice, big banana smoothie!

37. What do you get when you cross a chimpanzee and a goat?

A funny, little “monkey goat”!

38. Why did the chimpanzee refuse to play cards?

He couldn’t deal with all the jokers!

39. How does a chimpanzee decorate his house?

With hanging vines and banana prints!

40. What do you call a chimpanzee with a map?

A navigator in the jungle!

41. Why do chimpanzees love picnics?

Because they can swing by the food!

42. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite game?

Hide and swing!

43. Why did the chimpanzee get a job at the circus?

Because he was a natural performer!

44. How do chimpanzees like to play soccer?

They kick it with their feet and swing it with their hands!

45. What do you call a chimpanzee who loves chocolate?

A cocoa-nut!

46. Why did the chimpanzee wear a bowtie?

To look extra dapper at the jungle ball!

47. What do you call a chimpanzee who loves movies?

A film fanatic with a tail!

48. Why do chimpanzees love working out?

Because they’re always monkeying around with fitness!

49. What do you call a chimpanzee who makes good decisions?

A wise ape!

50. Why did the chimpanzee refuse to eat the banana?

It wasn’t ripe enough!

51. What did the chimpanzee say to his friend who was feeling sad?

“Don’t worry, I’m here to lift your spirits!”

52. Why did the chimpanzee put on sunglasses?

Because he was too cool for the zoo!

53. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite sport?

Tree climbing!

54. How do chimpanzees celebrate their birthdays?

With a big banana cake and lots of swinging!

55. Why did the chimpanzee bring a pencil to the jungle?

To draw some monkey business!

56. What did the chimpanzee say when he got caught stealing bananas?

“I was just monkeying around!”

57. How do chimpanzees keep their teeth clean?

With a banana toothbrush!

58. Why did the chimpanzee always bring a banana to the party?

Because he was the life of the party!

59. What do you call a chimpanzee that tells tall tales?

A monkey storyteller!

60. Why did the chimpanzee cross the road?

To get to the other jungle!

61. What do you call a chimpanzee who plays video games?

An ape gamer!

62. Why did the chimpanzee love the circus?

Because there were so many bananas and acrobats!

63. How does a chimpanzee send an email?

With “ape-mail”!

64. What do you call a chimpanzee who loves music?

A primate performer!

65. Why did the chimpanzee start a band?

Because he was a natural at playing the tambourine!

66. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite subject in school?

Monkey business!

67. How does a chimpanzee prefer his banana?

In a peel-it-yourself wrap!

68. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite thing to do on weekends?

Climb trees and eat bananas!

69. Why don’t chimpanzees ever get lonely?

Because they always have a swingin’ good time!

70. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite weather?

Anything that’s sunny enough for a banana snack!

71. How do chimpanzees stay so fit?

They swing by the gym every day!

72. Why did the chimpanzee start a blog?

He had a lot of monkey wisdom to share!

73. What do you call a chimpanzee who’s good at math?

A prime ape!

74. Why did the chimpanzee stop playing tennis?

He kept hitting the ball out of bounds!

75. How do chimpanzees prefer to eat their bananas?

With a dash of jungle spice!

76. Why was the chimpanzee always so calm?

Because he took life one swing at a time!

77. What did the chimpanzee say to the lion at the zoo?

“You may be king, but I’m the king of the jungle gym!”

78. Why did the chimpanzee bring a suitcase?

Because he was going on a vacation to the wild side!

79. How do chimpanzees spend their weekends?

Swinging from trees and eating bananas!

80. What do chimpanzees do when they’re bored?

They monkey around, of course!

81. Why was the chimpanzee so good at school?

Because he always studied hard. . . and monkeyed around after class!

82. What did the chimpanzee say when he got a banana smoothie?

“This is ape-solutely delicious!”

83. Why do chimpanzees make great comedians?

Because they always know how to crack a smile!

84. What do you call a chimpanzee who loves to cook?

A primate chef!

85. Why did the chimpanzee wear a tie?

Because he wanted to look ape-solutely professional!

86. What’s a chimpanzee’s favorite part of the day?

Banana break time!


Laughter is one of life’s simplest joys, and these 86 chimp jokes are sure to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re sharing them with family, friends, or simply enjoying them on your own, chimpanzees’ playful nature makes them an endless source of humor.

Remember, humor is a wonderful way to connect with others, and there’s no better way to spread joy than with a little monkey business! Keep these jokes handy and share them whenever you need a good laugh.

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