136+ Best April Fools Jokes on Your Wife: Pranks She’ll Never Forget!

by Diana Ward

April Fools’ Day is a time when humor knows no bounds, and pranks become an art form. If you’re looking to add some laughter to your relationship, we’ve got you covered. Here are over 136 fun and playful April Fools’ jokes you can play on your wife. From classic tricks to creative food pranks, we’ll guide you through the best ways to bring a smile (and maybe a few tears of laughter) to her face.

136+ Best April Fools Jokes on Your Wife-Pranks She’ll Never Forget!

Classic Pranks

1. Surprise Confetti-Sprinkle confetti on ceiling fan blades. When she turns it on, she’ll get a colorful surprise.

2. Poppers on the Toilet Seat-Place poppers under the toilet seat for a startling surprise.

3. Car Switcheroo-Move her car to a different parking spot while she’s at work.

4. The Cliff Hanger Text-Send a mysterious text like “We need to talk,” then reveal it’s an April Fools’ joke.

5. Fake Spill-Use clear tape to create a fake spill on the floor.

6. Reverse Morning Routine-Set her alarm clock to go off an hour earlier than usual.

7. Mysterious Noise-Use a phone app to make strange noises in the house.

8. Fake Gift-Wrap up an old item and give it to her as a “gift. ”

9. Mirror Message-Write a funny message on the mirror with dry-erase markers.

10. Fake News Report-Create a fake news article about something ridiculous happening locally.

Food Pranks

11. Surprise Jelly Beans-Mix disgusting-flavored jelly beans with regular ones.

12. Sugar for Salt-Swap sugar and salt in the kitchen.

13. Brussels Sprouts Lollipops-Attach Brussels sprouts to lollipop sticks and wrap them.

14. Mashed Potato Ice Cream-Serve mashed potatoes in ice cream cones.

15. Caramel-Covered Onions-Dip onions in caramel and serve as “apples. ”

16. Toothpaste-Filled Oreos-Fill Oreos with toothpaste for a shocking snack.

17. Banana Hotdogs-Serve caramelized bananas with strawberry jam as “hotdogs. ”

18. Onion Pops-Coat onions in caramel and cinnamon.

19. Frozen Cereal-Freeze cereal in a bowl and serve as a “frozen treat. ”

20. Cauliflower Popcorn-Serve cauliflower as popcorn.

Household Pranks

21. Fake Leak-Tell her there’s a leak under the sink and ask her to investigate.

22. Reverse Furniture-Switch the positions of furniture in a room.

23. Fake Spider-Place a fake spider in a strategic location.

24. Mysterious Smell-Use essential oils to create a strange smell in the house.

25. Fake Delivery-Arrange for a fake delivery of something ridiculous.

26. Fake Phone Call-Have a friend call her with a silly message.

27. Fake Emergency-Create a fake emergency situation, like a power outage.

28. Fake Pet-Place a stuffed animal in a strategic location to look like a real pet.

29. Fake Mess-Create a fake mess in the house, like scattered papers.

30. Fake Alarm-Set off a fake fire alarm.

Technology Pranks

31. Fake Virus Alert-Create a fake virus alert on her computer.

32. Fake Update-Tell her that her phone or computer needs an urgent update.

33. Fake Text Messages-Send her fake text messages from “unknown” numbers.

34. Fake Social Media Post-Create a fake social media post about something ridiculous.

35. Fake Email-Send her a fake email with a silly message.

36. Fake Notification-Set up fake notifications on her phone.

37. Fake GPS Route-Set her GPS to take a ridiculous route.

38. Fake Phone Lock-Lock her phone with a funny message.

Outdoor Pranks

39. Fake Parking Ticket-Place a fake parking ticket on her car.

40. Fake Yard Sale-Set up a fake yard sale with ridiculous items.

41. Fake Lost Pet-Post fake lost pet flyers around the neighborhood.

42. Fake Neighborhood Watch-Create a fake neighborhood watch sign.

43. Fake Street Sign-Place a fake street sign with a silly message.

44. Fake Garden Gnome-Place a garden gnome in a strategic location.

45. Fake Birdhouse-Hang a fake birdhouse with a silly message.

Work-Related Pranks

46. Fake Meeting-Tell her she has a fake meeting at work.

47. Fake Project-Assign her a fake project with ridiculous tasks.

48. Fake Deadline-Set a fake deadline for a project.

49. Fake Memo-Create a fake company memo with silly policies.

50. Fake Performance Review-Conduct a fake performance review with humorous feedback.

Personal Pranks

51. Fake Haircut-Tell her you got a haircut when you didn’t.

52. Fake New Hobby-Tell her you’ve taken up a new hobby, like knitting.

53. Fake Diet-Tell her you’re on a ridiculous diet, like only eating desserts.

54. Fake Exercise Routine-Tell her you’ve started a new exercise routine, like running marathons daily.

55. Fake Travel Plans-Tell her you’ve booked a trip to a ridiculous location.

56. Fake New Pet-Tell her you’ve adopted a new pet, like a tiger.

57. Fake New Job-Tell her you’ve quit your job to become a professional clown.

58. Fake New Skill-Tell her you’ve learned a new skill, like playing the piano.

59. Fake Language-Tell her you’ve learned a new language, like Klingon.

60. Fake Accent-Start speaking with a fake accent.

More Food Pranks

61. Sour Candy-Replace regular candy with sour candy.

62. Spicy Food-Add extra spice to her meals.

63. Fake Dessert-Serve a savory dish as dessert.

64. Meat Swap-Swap meat in dishes, like using tofu instead of chicken.

65. Veggie Swap-Swap vegetables in dishes, like using carrots instead of zucchini.

66. Fruit Swap-Swap fruits in dishes, like using apples instead of bananas.

67. Beverage Swap-Swap beverages, like using sparkling water instead of soda.

68. Fake Coffee-Serve decaf coffee as regular coffee.

69. Fake Tea-Serve herbal tea as regular tea.

70. Fake Juice-Serve watered-down juice as full-strength.

Miscellaneous Pranks

71. Fake Photo-Create a fake photo of something ridiculous.

72. Fake Video-Create a fake video of something silly.

73. Fake Story-Tell her a fake story about something that happened.

74. Fake Prediction-Predict something ridiculous will happen.

75. Fake Award-Give her a fake award for something silly.

76. Fake Certificate-Create a fake certificate for something absurd.

77. Fake ID-Create a fake ID with a silly name or occupation.

78. Fake Resume-Create a fake resume with ridiculous skills.

79. Fake Interview-Conduct a fake job interview with silly questions.

80. Fake Test-Give her a fake test with absurd questions.

Pranks for the Morning

81. Fake Breakfast-Serve a fake breakfast, like cereal made from cardboard.

82. Fake Coffee Machine-Tell her the coffee machine is broken.

83. Fake Alarm Clock-Set multiple alarm clocks to go off at different times.

84. Fake Morning News-Create a fake news broadcast about something silly.

85. Fake Weather Report-Give her a fake weather report predicting ridiculous weather.

86. Fake Traffic Update-Give her a fake traffic update with absurd road closures.

87. Fake School Closure-Tell her the local schools are closed due to a silly reason.

88. Fake Power Outage-Tell her there’s a power outage in the area.

Pranks for the Evening

89. Fake Dinner-Serve a fake dinner, like a meal made entirely of play food.

90. Fake Movie Night-Set up a fake movie night with a ridiculous movie title.

91. Fake Game Night-Host a fake game night with absurd games.

92. Fake Karaoke-Set up a fake karaoke session with silly songs.

93. Fake Dance Party-Host a fake dance party with ridiculous music.

94. Fake Photo Booth-Set up a fake photo booth with silly props.

95. Fake Scavenger Hunt-Create a fake scavenger hunt with absurd clues.

Pranks for Special Occasions

96. Fake Birthday Party-Plan a fake birthday party for her.

97. Fake Anniversary Celebration-Plan a fake anniversary celebration.

98. Fake Holiday Party-Host a fake holiday party with silly decorations.

99. Fake New Year’s Eve Party-Host a fake New Year’s Eve party in the middle of the year.

100. Fake Wedding Vows-Renew your vows with silly promises.

Pranks Involving Pets

101. Fake Pet Adoption-Tell her you’ve adopted a new pet.

102. Fake Pet Illness-Tell her the pet is sick with a ridiculous illness.

103. Fake Pet Talent-Tell her the pet has learned a new trick, like playing the piano.

104. Fake Pet Competition-Enter the pet into a fake competition.

105. Fake Pet Photo Shoot-Set up a fake photo shoot for the pet.

Pranks Involving Friends

106. Fake Party Invitation-Send her a fake party invitation from a friend.

107. Fake Gift from a Friend-Give her a fake gift from a friend.

108. Fake Message from a Friend-Send her a fake message from a friend with a silly joke.

109. Fake Phone Call from a Friend-Have a friend call her with a silly message.

110. Fake Visit from a Friend-Tell her a friend is visiting unexpectedly.

Pranks Involving Family

111. Fake Family Reunion-Plan a fake family reunion.

112. Fake Family Tradition-Start a fake family tradition, like eating dessert first.

113. Fake Family Recipe-Share a fake family recipe with absurd ingredients.

114. Fake Family Story-Tell her a fake story about a family member.

115. Fake Family Heirloom-Give her a fake family heirloom with a silly story.

Pranks Involving Travel

116. Fake Travel Plans-Tell her you’ve booked a trip to a ridiculous location.

117. Fake Travel Brochure-Create a fake travel brochure for a silly destination.

118. Fake Travel Guide-Give her a fake travel guide with absurd tips.

119. Fake Travel Warning-Warn her about a fake travel warning for a silly reason.

120. Fake Travel Delay-Tell her the flight is delayed due to a ridiculous reason.

Pranks Involving Work

121. Fake Work Project-Assign her a fake work project with absurd tasks.

122. Fake Work Meeting-Tell her she has a fake meeting at work.

123. Fake Work Deadline-Set a fake deadline for a project.

124. Fake Work Memo-Create a fake company memo with silly policies.

125. Fake Work Promotion-Tell her she’s been promoted to a ridiculous position.

Pranks Involving Hobbies

126. Fake Hobby-Tell her you’ve taken up a new hobby, like extreme knitting.

127. Fake Hobby Competition-Enter a fake competition for a silly hobby.

128. Fake Hobby Class-Sign her up for a fake class on a ridiculous hobby.

129. Fake Hobby Equipment-Give her fake equipment for a silly hobby.

130. Fake Hobby Magazine-Create a fake magazine about a silly hobby.

Pranks Involving Technology

131. Fake Virus Alert-Create a fake virus alert on her computer.

132. Fake Update-Tell her her phone or computer needs an urgent update.

133. Fake Social Media Post-Create a fake social media post about something ridiculous.

134. Fake Email-Send her a fake email with a silly message.

135. Fake Notification-Set up fake notifications on her phone.

136. Fake GPS Route-Set her GPS to take a ridiculous route.

Bonus Prank

137. Fake Time Travel-Tell her you’ve invented a time machine and take her on a “journey” through time.


This article is packed with a variety of April Fools’ jokes, ranging from simple tricks like surprise confetti showers and poppers on the toilet seat to more elaborate food pranks like Brussels sprouts lollipops and caramel-covered onions. Whether you’re a seasoned prankster or just starting out, these ideas will help you create unforgettable moments with your wife.

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