Samay Raina, a stand-up comedian known for his dark humor and edgy roasts, has recently come under scrutiny for his jokes, which some consider offensive. While Raina has yet to acknowledge that his comedy fits into the “dark” genre, his recent roast of Kusha Kapila’s divorce went viral, raising questions about the sensitivity of his material. In another incident, Uorfi Javed walked off Samay’s show, India’s Got Latent, after a contestant made inappropriate jokes about her body and sexuality.
Samay Raina Reflects on His Jokes
In a recent Ask Me Anything session on Reddit, a user asked Samay if he had ever regretted a joke. Raina responded firmly, saying he has never regretted any of his jokes. Instead, he views each experience as a learning opportunity. “No regrets, only learning,” he stated.
Uorfi Javed Defends Samay Raina
Following the incident on India’s Got Latent, where Uorfi Javed was publicly insulted by a contestant who commented on her body count and made other degrading remarks, she clarified that Samay Raina was not at fault for what transpired. On her Instagram Stories, Uorfi defended Raina, explaining that he was a friend and had been kind to her. She wrote:
“Also, in no way do I blame @MaiSamayHoon. He is a friend, and I’m talking about the contestants. The entire team came and consoled me. Samay has been nothing but nice to me since then.”
For context, Uorfi had expressed her distress over being insulted on the show, mentioning that some people think it’s “cool” to abuse or slut-shame others for attention. She shared her thoughts on the matter, saying:
“I think I missed the memo; nowadays people think it’s cool to abuse someone or just slut-shame someone for some views. I’m sorry, but I’m not okay with anyone abusing me, slut-shaming me for my body count (which they don’t know but assumed it must be high). All this for what? For 2 minutes of fame?”
Uorfi also revealed that the contestant who insulted her wasn’t joking. In fact, she was confronted by him when she questioned his behavior. She recalled, “The guy who abused me wasn’t even joking. He got legit mad at me when I asked him why he was faking being handicapped! He just abused me on stage in front of so many people. The next one was just trying to be cool, slut-shaming me and comparing me to Mia Khalifa, expressing his displeasure over my high body count. I was disgusted. The place I was at, everyone thought this was cool. No, it’s not. It’s not cool.”
Samay Raina’s Earnings from India’s Got Latent
Samay Raina’s show, India’s Got Latent, is a reality series where people from across the country showcase their talents in one-minute performances. At the start of the show, contestants rate themselves from one to ten, and if their self-rating matches the average score from the judges, they win the show. The program has introduced fans to some of the country’s most promising comedians and their unique acts.
According to influencer Ayushman Pandita, Samay earns approximately Rs. 1.5 crore each month from the show. Much of his content remains uncensored, but controversial clips are sometimes released on his exclusive “Members Only” platform, which contributes to his overall income.
While Samay Raina continues to stand by his edgy comedy style, he faces ongoing debates about the boundaries of humor, especially after recent controversies involving Uorfi Javed and Kusha Kapila. As his show India’s Got Latent remains popular, Raina’s ability to balance his humor with the sensitivities of his audience will continue to be under scrutiny.