163 Best April Fools Jokes to Play on Your Wife

by Diana Ward

April Fools’ Day is a time for laughter, mischief, and playful deception. It’s the one day of the year where you can get away with pulling off some of the most creative and hilarious pranks on your loved ones. If you’re looking to make your wife laugh, cry (from laughter), or maybe even plot her revenge, you’ve come to the right place. Here are 163 April Fools’ jokes to play on your wife, ranging from simple and harmless to more elaborate and surprising.

163 Best April Fools Jokes to Play on Your Wife

1. Surprise Confetti Shower: Sprinkle confetti on the ceiling fan blades. When she turns it on, she’ll get a colorful surprise.

2. Poppers on the Toilet Seat: Place poppers under the toilet seat for an explosive surprise.

3. Chocolate Covered Cotton Balls: Offer her chocolate-covered cotton balls instead of real chocolates.

4. Photo Swap: Switch the photos in your home with funny or unexpected images.

5. Car Switcheroo: Move her car to a different parking spot and watch her confusion.

6. The Cliff Hanger Text: Send a mysterious text saying “we need to talk” and then go silent.

7. Chain Reaction: Set up a series of silly tasks or clues leading to a final joke.

8. Fake Bug Surprise: Place a fake bug in a strategic location for a scare.

9. Toothpaste Oreo Trick: Place a dollop of toothpaste between two Oreos for a surprising snack.

10. Reverse Prank: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up.

11. Special Outfit: Wear something ridiculous to bed and surprise her.

12. Cereal Swap: Switch the contents of her favorite cereal with a less desirable one.

13. Marker Madness: Draw funny designs on her face while she sleeps.

14. Social Media Switcheroo: Change her social media profile picture to something silly.

15. Java Drama: Swap sugar with salt in her coffee.

16. Fake Cake: Make a cake out of meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

17. Car Trouble: Move her car and pretend she misplaced it.

18. Birthday Switcheroo: Change her birthday on social media to April 1.

19. Shopaholic Horror: Fill the porch with empty boxes to make her think you went on a shopping spree.

20. Early Bird Wakeup: Set all clocks ahead and pretend it’s time to wake up early.

21. Obnoxious Ringtone: Change her ringtone to something embarrassing.

22. Candy Mix-Up: Mix different candies in a bowl for a confusing snack.

23. Cryptic Notes: Leave mysterious notes hinting at a prank that never happens.

24. Bug Lamp: Place a cardboard bug inside a lampshade.

25. Fake Spill: Use clear wrap to create the illusion of a spill on the floor.

26. Mirror Magic: Use sticky notes to create funny faces on mirrors.

27. Fake News Report: Create a fake news article about something ridiculous happening in your town.

28. Wardrobe Malfunction: Set her clothes to fall off a hanger when she opens the closet.

29. Investment Joke: Tell her you invested in something absurd, like a pet rock farm.

30. Tattoo Trick: Use temporary tattoos to make her think you got a real one.

31. Ring Ruse: Tell her you lost her favorite ring and then “find” it in a silly place.

32. Compromised Control: Disable the TV remote by covering the sensor with tape.

33. Jello Gag: Encase one of her favorite items in Jello.

34. Auto Antics: Move her car to a different location and pretend it’s been stolen.

35. Silly Street: Place a funny sign in her car window for others to see.

36. Breakfast Bandit: Switch her breakfast cereal with a less desirable one.

37. The Prank That Wasn’t: Set up a prank that looks like it’s going to happen but doesn’t.

38. Fake Delivery: Order a bunch of empty boxes and fill the porch with them.

39. Time Travel: Set all clocks to a different time and watch her confusion.

40. Fake Gift: Wrap up something worthless and give it to her as a gift.

41. Prank Call: Call her from a different number and pretend to be someone else.

42. Fake Emergency: Create a fake emergency situation, like a power outage, and watch her reaction.

43. Mirror Maze: Use mirrors to create a maze effect in a room.

44. Fake Food: Prepare a meal that looks normal but tastes bad.

45. Prankster’s Revenge: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan.

46. Fake News Broadcast: Create a fake news broadcast about something ridiculous.

47. Ghostly Encounter: Set up a fake ghostly encounter in your home.

48. Fake Treasure Hunt: Create a treasure hunt with clues leading to a silly prize.

49. Prank War: Engage in a prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

50. Fake Party: Plan a fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke.

51. Fake Gift Card: Give her a fake gift card to a store she loves.

52. Prankster’s Dilemma: Create a situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

53. Fake Job Offer: Tell her you got a job offer in a ridiculous location.

54. Fake Lottery Win: Tell her you won the lottery and watch her reaction.

55. Prankster’s Challenge: Challenge her to a prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

56. Fake Celebrity Encounter: Set up a fake encounter with a celebrity.

57. Prankster’s Revenge 2: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan again.

58. Fake Vacation: Plan a fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke.

59. Prankster’s Dilemma 2: Create a situation where she has to choose between two silly options again.

60. Fake News Report 2: Create another fake news article about something ridiculous.

61. Ghostly Encounter 2: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

62. Prank War 2: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

63. Fake Party 2: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

64. Fake Gift Card 2: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

65. Prankster’s Challenge 2: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

66. Fake Celebrity Encounter 2: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

67. Prankster’s Revenge 3: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan once more.

68. Fake Vacation 2: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

69. Prankster’s Dilemma 3: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

70. Fake News Report 3: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

71. Ghostly Encounter 3: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

72. Prank War 3: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

73. Fake Party 3: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

74. Fake Gift Card 3: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

75. Prankster’s Challenge 3: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

76. Fake Celebrity Encounter 3: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

77. Prankster’s Revenge 4: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan again.

78. Fake Vacation 3: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

79. Prankster’s Dilemma 4: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

80. Fake News Report 4: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

81. Ghostly Encounter 4: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

82. Prank War 4: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

83. Fake Party 4: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

84. Fake Gift Card 4: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

85. Prankster’s Challenge 4: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

86. Fake Celebrity Encounter 4: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

87. Prankster’s Revenge 5: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan once more.

88. Fake Vacation 4: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

89. Prankster’s Dilemma 5: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

90. Fake News Report 5: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

91. Ghostly Encounter 5: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

92. Prank War 5: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

93. Fake Party 5: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

94. Fake Gift Card 5: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

95. Prankster’s Challenge 5: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

96. Fake Celebrity Encounter 5: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

97. Prankster’s Revenge 6: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan again.

98. Fake Vacation 5: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

99. Prankster’s Dilemma 6: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

100. Fake News Report 6: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

101. Ghostly Encounter 6: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

102. Prank War 6: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

103. Fake Party 6: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

104. Fake Gift Card 6: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

105. Prankster’s Challenge 6: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

106. Fake Celebrity Encounter 6: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

107. Prankster’s Revenge 7: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan once more.

108. Fake Vacation 6: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

109. Prankster’s Dilemma 7: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

110. Fake News Report 7: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

111. Ghostly Encounter 7: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

112. Prank War 7: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

113. Fake Party 7: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

114. Fake Gift Card 7: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

115. Prankster’s Challenge 7: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

116. Fake Celebrity Encounter 7: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

117. Prankster’s Revenge 8: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan again.

118. Fake Vacation 7: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

119. Prankster’s Dilemma 8: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

120. Fake News Report 8: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

121. Ghostly Encounter 8: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

122. Prank War 8: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

123. Fake Party 8: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

124. Fake Gift Card 8: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

125. Prankster’s Challenge 8: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

126. Fake Celebrity Encounter 8: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

127. Prankster’s Revenge 9: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan once more.

128. Fake Vacation 8: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

129. Prankster’s Dilemma 9: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

130. Fake News Report 9: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

131. Ghostly Encounter 9: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

132. Prank War 9: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

133. Fake Party 9: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

134. Fake Gift Card 9: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

135. Prankster’s Challenge 9: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

136. Fake Celebrity Encounter 9: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

137. Prankster’s Revenge 10: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan again.

138. Fake Vacation 9: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

139. Prankster’s Dilemma 10: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

140. Fake News Report 10: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

141. Ghostly Encounter 10: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

142. Prank War 10: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

143. Fake Party 10: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

144. Fake Gift Card 10: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

145. Prankster’s Challenge 10: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

146. Fake Celebrity Encounter 10: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

147. Prankster’s Revenge 11: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan once more.

148. Fake Vacation 10: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

149. Prankster’s Dilemma 11: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

150. Fake News Report 11: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

151. Ghostly Encounter 11: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

152. Prank War 11: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

153. Fake Party 11: Plan another fake party and invite her to it, only to reveal it was all a joke again.

154. Fake Gift Card 11: Give her another fake gift card to a store she loves.

155. Prankster’s Challenge 11: Challenge her to another prank-off where you both try to prank each other.

156. Fake Celebrity Encounter 11: Set up another fake encounter with a celebrity.

157. Prankster’s Revenge 12: Pretend to fall for a prank she sets up and then reveal it was all part of your plan again.

158. Fake Vacation 11: Plan another fake vacation and pack her bags, only to reveal it was all a joke once more.

159. Prankster’s Dilemma 12: Create another situation where she has to choose between two silly options.

160. Fake News Report 12: Create yet another fake news article about something ridiculous.

161. Ghostly Encounter 12: Set up another fake ghostly encounter.

162. Prank War 12: Engage in another prank war where you both try to outdo each other.

163. The Ultimate Prank: Combine several pranks into one massive, unforgettable experience.


April Fools’ Day is a time to have fun and bring laughter into your relationship. Whether you choose a simple prank like surprise confetti or something more elaborate like a fake vacation, the goal is to enjoy the moment and create memories together.

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